Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Tamaso Mā Jyotirgamaya

--Tamaso Mā Jyotirgamaya
- (From Darkness to Light) -let this be our collective motto for the 2010. - Happy new year. from CA Takshila University/Biopreneur.

CTU/Biopreneur is embarking on a figurative and literary motto of "Darkness-to-light through -
(1) Bringing Solar Lantern to thousands of rural people in India and elsewhere

(2) Giving access to Universities education to the people around the globe at and/or no-cost.

What we need are the supports from millions of you - support of any-kind : -time, wisdom, books, computers, funds, grants, endowments and self-sponsored projects.

Thank you,

California Takshila University (

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