Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Open Letter to the President OBAMA - (BP OIL CRISIS)


Dear President and the Crisis Management team:

I have been following public and open information on the BP-OIL-Crisis. A MUST Solution to the Problem may have been overlooked.

We from the California Takshila University would like to recommend to the Crisis management team to at least once look into the "OILZAPPER
Bio-remediation" protocol/process.
This Method have been developed by TERI and used by INDIA-Govt.

It is not only the solution for this current situation but most problems that we have with the oil in the world.

We strongly believe that your attention to the solution will do good to the people here and people around the globe.

California Takshila University is available to provide any help you need.

Best regards,
Ryan Baidya, PhD, MBA

Scientist, Author and Entrepreneur